GKCPC 2011 Pipe of the Year Project

The Greater Kansas City Pipe Club has selected a billiard for the 2011 Pipe of the Year. I’m very excited and humbled to have been selected to make 25  pipes for the great group of guys in the club.

I’ll add the photos here as the pipes are finished.

  • Two were prototypes finished in January. One on the larger side, and the other on the smaller. The pipes will likely fall between these two.
  • The next batch of six were finished in early March. They are on the larger side.
  • Then a batch of 7, which I finished toward the end of March. They are on the smaller to medium size
  • Finally, the last batch of 10, which I finished the end of July. This last batch ranges in size from the smaller to the larger end of the spectrum. As I type these are on the way to Kansas City. It has been a really fun project and I’ve enjoyed getting to know the guys in the club, and getting to be a part of things through this project.

The pipes are all from Italian plateaux briar with hand cut German Ebonite stems. The first two have Faux Ivory accents and the next batches of six, seven, and ten have Ivory Celluliod accents.
